1. How can I pay?Cambridge Taxis offer you a variety of payment options. You can pay in car with cash, Eftpos/Credit Cards and TaxiCharge Voucher.
2. Do you have an App and Online Booking or do I have to call to book a taxi?
Yes we do have an app. Our app is available on Apple and Android devices. But you can also call us if that’s more convenient for you.
3. I’m having trouble with the Taxi caller App, who should I contact?
Any troubles with the app please contact us. We are continuously looking at ways to improve the app, so all feedback is appreciated.
4. Do you do surge pricing?
Our fares do have variation depending on the time of day and whether a car or a van, however we do not multiply our fare as Uber does. It is important to us that you have certainty that our fares will not differ without notice.
5. What hours do taxis operate?
You can order a Cambridge Taxis 6am to Midnight on weekdays and 24 hours on weekends
6. How are taxi drivers vetted?
We understand that our drivers must be trustworthy, as they are often carrying vulnerable passengers. Our current process and controls that surround the vetting of prospective drivers is very thorough and includes police checks. We strongly support the retention of this process and the controls that surround the vetting of prospective drivers. Have a look at the NZTA website for more information.
7. What if I have a complaint?
All Cambridge Taxis taxi drivers strive to give you the best possible experience while in one of their vehicles. But, if you do need to make a complaint please contact the taxi company you used in the first instance.
- To assist in the investigation of the complaint, please provide the Taxi Fleet number or vehicle registration, the name on drivers ID card, the date and time of trip, the pickup and drop off location or location of incident.
- Complaints can be investigated without this information, but can often result in us being unable to identify the driver/vehicle.
- Complaints made to Cambridge Taxis 2019 Ltd will be acknowledged by the next working day. Passengers are also able to make a complaint to the NZTA.
- If the matter is serious, or concerns criminal activity, please contact the New Zealand Police immediately.
8. Why is my pre-ordered taxi late?
When you pre-order a taxi, this gives you priority. It is rare that your taxi will be late, however there may be times, due to a number of different reasons that are out of our control, your taxi is late.
Please call us on (07) 827-5999 to enquire about the whereabouts of your taxi.
9. Can a driver refuse to take me?
Taxi or shuttle drivers can refuse to take a passenger(s) if, on reasonable grounds, they consider:
- Their personal safety would be threatened or endangered.
- The intending passenger is under the influence of drink or drugs.
- The intending passenger is in a filthy condition.
- The intending passenger is consuming food or drink.
- The intending passenger is noisy, violent or is disturbing the public peace.
- The intending passenger is accompanied by an animal, unless that person’s sight is impaired and the animal is a guide dog.
- The intending passenger owes the driver for a previous fare and refuses to pay what is owed.
- The intending passenger does not have enough money to meet the cost of the journey (the driver has the right to ask for payment in advance).
- The number of passengers wishing to travel exceeds the number stated on the vehicle’s loading certificate.
- The driver may also terminate the journey at any time for any of the above reasons.
10. Can you deliver alcohol or cigarettes? We cannot deliver alcohol or cigarettes to you. It is illegal to buy alcohol then sell it on to you without the proper license. Even if the alcohol has been paid for by you, we cannot know that it is not destined for a minor. The same applies to cigarettes.